Now is a critical time to build the field of housing mobility. Leaders in fields as diverse as racial justice, child development, public health, low-income asset building, real estate development, and beyond are increasingly recognizing the relevance of housing mobility to their goals.

Bipartisan government support has resulted in federal funding for and evaluation of mobility services through HUD’s Community Choice Demonstration, and recipients of a new housing mobility-related services grant were announced in November 2023.

We are a growing community of practitioners, researchers, advocates, and other stakeholders dedicated to advancing housing mobility around the country. Founding members of the Housing Mobility Network are the Baltimore Regional Housing Partnership, Housing Choice Partners, the Inclusive Communities Project, and the Poverty & Race Research Action Council.

Members have free access to interactive community of practice gatherings, webinars on topics of interest to members, mobility resources, and discounted registration for events like the National Conference on Housing Mobility and the Housing Mobility Training Institute. There’s also a member discussion platform in the works.

Join our growing community!

2024 Network Sustaining Sponsor

2024 Network Supporting Sponsors


Contact info[at] if your company or organization would like to become a Network sponsor