8th National Conference on Housing Mobility

On November 4, 2021, MobilIty Works, the Poverty & Race Research Action Council (PRRAC), and the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA) hosted the 8th National Conference on Housing Mobility – #HousingMobility2021.




  • Adrianne Todman, Deputy Secretary, HUD

  • Adria Crutchfield, Executive Director, Baltimore Regional Housing Partnership (and Board Chair, Mobility Works)

  • Sunia Zaterman, Executive Director, Council of Large Public Housing Authorities

PANEL 1: The Housing Mobility Demonstration


  • Jeffrey Lubell, Director of Housing and Community Initiatives, ABT Associates

  • Dorivette Nolan, Director of Policy, Planning and Housing Mobility, Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority

  • Dinsiri Fikru and Chanera Pierce, NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development

  • Todd Richardson, General Deputy Assistant Secretary, HUD Office of Policy Development and Research, moderator

PANEL 2: Potential Advances in Housing Mobility Policy and Funding


  • Peggy Bailey, Senior Advisor to the Secretary, HUD

  • Stephen Norman, Executive Director, King County Housing Authority

  • Demetria McCain, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, HUD FHEO

  • Christina Monroe, House Appropriations Committee staff

  • Sonya Acosta, Policy Analyst, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, moderator

PANEL 3: Recruiting Landlords in Tight Rental Markets


  • Justin Davis, Director of HCV Program at Columbus Metro HA

  • Jackie Hodges, Assistant Director of HCV Program, Housing Authority of Cook County

  • Jeanmarie Buffett, Vice President, Real Estate, CDCLI-Long Island

  • Philip Garboden, University of Hawaii, moderator

PANEL 4: Involving Voucher Families in Program Design and Operation


  • Shamira Lawrence, Inclusive Communities Project (ICP)

  • Renita Dorsey, Baltimore Regional Housing Partnership (BRHP)

  • Yvonne Redmond, Columbia, MD resident

  • Darryn Mumphery, PRRAC, moderator



  • Philip Tegeler, PRRAC

  • Andrea Juracek, Housing Choice Partners (HCP)

  • Stephen Norman, Board President, CLPHA

Speaker Bios’

Video from the conference (password-protected)

Conference Sponsors:

Mobility Works, the Poverty & Race Research Action Council (PRRAC), and the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities. (CLPHA).


Supporting Sponsors:

High Opportunity Neighborhood Partners, The National Association of Realtors®, and Zillow.


Support the Mobility Works Participant Leadership Program

Donations made here through November 30 will go to our new program to develop mobility participant leadership nationally—in policy advocacy, field building, and program direction.